Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Theory Workbooks

As of Monday, August 10th, Barnes and Noble did have some of the 1st grade workbooks but did not have any of the Kindergarten workbooks in stock at the Chandler location.

They have been back ordered and will hopefully be coming in soon. The books are being shipped from the UK and that is why there has been an extended wait time. If your child does not have the workbook yet, it is not going to be a problem. I am going to postpone the workbook material for this week and will make other arrangements in the coming weeks as needed.

Tomorrow, (Wednesday) Barnes and Noble will be holding a book fair at the school. They will bring any of the workbooks they have in stock and they will be available for purchase.

Thank you for your ongoing patience as we navigate the little inconveniences of the first week of school! Your flexibility is appreciated!

Kindergarten- Book 1

 1st Grade- Book 2
