Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Concert Update!

Concert night is this THURSDAY, APRIL 28th!

Students need to be dropped off at 5pm.
They will report directly to their classroom.
The concert will be from 5:30-6:30pm.

Your student’s attendance for the ENTIRE concert is MANDATORY.
You may pick up your student from their classroom when the concert has ended at 6:30. 

Please do not attempt to pick up your student as soon as their portion of the concert is over. All the students have worked hard and deserve a full audience for the entire performance. 

Dress Code for Concerts:

Girls must wear a white collared shirt, black skirt (knee length or lower) or dress slacks, and black dress shoes.

Boys must wear a white collared, button-down shirt, black slacks, and black dress shoes.

Here is the link for ordering a DVD of the performance:  http://store.estheticsinmotion.com

See you soon!