Saturday, April 8, 2017

2nd Grade MC parts

This week I introduced the MC parts to 2nd Grade. 

Here are the parts so that the students can practice.

Our exploration of the wonderful world around us continues. In second grade we will be singing about the vast and beautiful SKY! Imagine with me, if you will, the early morning. Can you see the sunrise? Can you see the golden colors slowly fill the sky?      Our first selection is a celebration of this beautiful morning and a new day.

That is such a great song to sing when you wake up feeling happy and excited about a new day. But we all know that there are many days when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Those days can feel rainy and gloomy. Good thing the rain doesn’t last forever. This song is a reminder that after the rain is gone, sometimes you can see a rainbow in the sky. Special thanks to the 6th graders for playing the recorder with us as we sing. 

Rain doesn’t always have to make a day gloomy and sad. Sometimes, if it’s not raining too hard, it can be fun to play in the rain. It’s usually quite sunny here so we will need to use our imaginations again. Imagine big, fat raindrops falling from the ceiling. I think we need to take out our umbrellas!! Here comes the rain!!