Wednesday, August 16, 2017

And We're Off!

The new school year is already off to a great start.
This week the students have been getting used to being in their new music room and learning what to do when they get there. We have been practicing our procedures, cues and warming up our singing voices.

Our Kinder and 1st grade students have met Oliver the Owl. Oliver helps us find our singing voice when we have lost it. He also loves to be in charge and the students enjoy watching him conduct.

This Week's Listening

Last year, students were very excited about the music we listened to in class. Many times, I would forget to post the links on my blog. I am making a conscious effort to be more consistent with that this year so that the students can share what they are learning with you. 😊 Here is what we have been listening to this week:

Kinder- selections from Peer Gynt By Edvard Grieg.


"In the Hall of the Mountain King"

1st  and 2nd have a new composer every month. 

August's Composer of the Month is Mr. Vivaldi

By the end of the week, they should have listened to two selections from 
The Four Seasons. 



I look forward to seeing you at Curriculum Night.

~Mrs. Boswell