Monday, April 6, 2020

Week 3 (April 6-9): Beethoven and Fur Elise

Good Afternoon!

What a week it was. I confess I was on the cranky side for the majority of it. I had to take so many walks to keep myself in check. I also made sure I spent some time playing instruments and reminding myself why I love music. However, I can definitively say, the best part of my week was seeing some of your beautiful faces on Saturday at the pickup! 😍😍😍

I know that this week brings the challenge of beginning Google Classroom. Remember to be kind to yourself as you navigate this with your students. As faculty, we are at least a week ahead of you. We understand the time and effort it takes to figure it out because we went through it as well! None of us are asking for perfection. Take your time, and when you feel frustrated, take a break! The work will be there tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after.

I've been frustrated with wanting to do more on my end to bring your scholars even half of the beautiful content that this classical education provides. However, with so many variables (online, offline, internet, no internet, and every type of compliance!!!) I am severely limited at what I can offer. 

So with this in mind, I have decided to keep it simple. My main goal and deepest desire is that you simply take the time to enjoy these Great Works. I have kept the K-2 assignments the same because of the encouragement I received. A few of you have contacted me and stated that the music assignments have become a family affair. This is amazing! Listen to it. Move to it. Talk about it. If that is all we can accomplish in this time, then I will be satisfied. 

Here is my Beethoven playlist on spotify for additional optional listening.

I know that you have been receiving a lot of emails lately so I will discontinue email blasting for now. Know that my blog will continue to be updated weekly with a few personal remarks, the week's assignments, and additional optional resources.

Be well!

Here are the week's assignments:

Week 3 (April 6-10)
This week we are going to start our Music Listening Log. Please fill out one of these each week and keep them so that you will have a musical journal at the end of the year! Make sure you use your music words (piano/forte/largo/presto) to describe what you hear and use at least 2 colors in your drawings.

Day 1

  • 1st Time Listening: Choose a position (sitting, standing, laying) and listen with your thinking voice while moving.
  • 2nd Time Listening: Move to the music. Which matches the music: marching or swaying? Try both. Swaying matches the music. Count 1, 2, 3 while you move around the room. 

Day 2

  • 3rd Time Listening: The form is ABACA. 
A section- swing your arms back and forth or in a circle
B section- spin around on your tiptoes
C section- curl up and roll around the floor
Listen with me

Here are a few extra optional resources. 

KBACH live streaming Classical Radio Station

Interactive Virtual Orchestra on Classics for Kids website.

Play along with Fur Elise sheet music