Wednesday, October 30, 2019

We Are Almost Ready!

We had our first combined rehearsal in the gym yesterday and 
it went really well!
The students are so excited to share their songs with you. I really enjoyed hearing the entire grade levels sing together for the first time this year!

Image result for excited face

Information for the Winter Concert

Dear Archway Lincoln Families,

The Winter Concert is coming up!  Here is the information everyone should know:
1.   The concert is MANDATORY – if a student cannot come for an unavoidable reason, their family must inform me TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE (October 29th) so they can be given a substitute assignment.  If a student is sick the day of the concert, the family must send a message that day informing me.  If a student does not attend the concert and no explanation is given, they receive a failing grade for the concert.

2.   DRESS CODE: Students must wear black on bottom, white on top.  Black shoes, black pants (black skirt option for girls), black socks/tights, white shirt, a tie for boys (K-2 tie is optional- any color, no pop culture).

3.   Times and Location (please note student call times): Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades – 5:30 PM
students arrive at 5:00pm

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grades – 7:00 PM
students arrive at 6:45pm

Higley Center for the Performing Arts
4132 E. Pecos Rd.
Gilbert, AZ 85295