Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Spring is Here

Today in 1st grade, we were able to listen to Spring by Vivaldi. 

We brainstormed things that remind us of Spring time.
When Vivaldi wrote The Four Seasons, he also composed poems to go along with the music. I had the students listen and draw what they thought Vivaldi was thinking of when he wrote Spring. Next week, I will read the poem and we will listen to the music and hear how the words of the poem portray the music.

We ran out of time to finish our drawings and share today. I told the students they could take their drawings home. If they want to share them in music class next week, they can finish them at home and bring them back to school next Tuesday. 
Above is a link to the piece if they would like to listen to it again.

In Kindergarten, we are learning a poem by Beatrix Potter. We will be adding solfege syllables and rhythm to some of the words. The goal is for the students to be able to read simple musical patterns that contain rhythm and solfege syllables together instead of one at a time. 

Once I Saw a Little Bird

Once I saw a little bird
Come hop, hop, hop;
So I cried, "Little bird,
Will you stop, stop, stop?"
And was going to the window
To say, "How do you do?
But he shook his little tail,
And away he flew.

***Upcoming Spring Concert: Thursday, April 28th. More info to follow.